Jalapeño Jelly Time

I bust out with some homemade Jalapeño Jelly. Don’t knock it till you try it! Ginger and Brigham goof around as kids do. Brigham is making suspicious calls from his toy phone. We need to carefully watch his minutes and we’re seriously considering getting him a unlimited texting plan. I briefly cover the Jalapeño Jelly making process. Darcie doesn’t do the dishes and then blames our needy baby. Ginger tries to convince me that she likes her new bike. We try to hit the note at the end of Lovin’ You by Minnie Riperton. Brigham tries to impale himself on plasticware. I declare my most favorite thing of 2012 so far. The kids take face first dives off of the Alex cliff.

A Goal to NOT get Pregnant!

Dar and I go for a walk and discuss our goals for the new year. I plan to lose 50 lbs before Jan 01 2013. Dar wants to not have a baby and to be more patient with the kids. We both want to clear out some debts. Brigham works in the pantry and helps with the dishes. I chomp on some baby feet. I annoy Darcie until she does what I want. Ginger has to help because it isn’t working. Darcie doesn’t want to be on camera because she isn’t wearing makeup. The kids share an apple.

New Year Jalapeño Shortage

Ginger leaves with Tara to tear up the clearance section at Target. I’m sick so I’m sporting socks and slippers. I shoot Brigham in the tummy with a cannon ball. Ginger goes on a bike ride to see Auntie. Tara plays a trick on Darcie with her new Google number. Ginger sings to the whole neighborhood and falls into boiling acid lava. I attempt to slam-dunk Brigham. Brigham and Ginger try fresh cranberries. G talks about her New Years Resolution. Darcie cuts Ginger’s hair even though I plead with both of them not to. There is apparently a jalapeño shortage in SoCal. Huge party at our house to ring in the new year!!!

I have a story to tell

Brigham shows Xena some love, she does not reciprocate. Brigham fights nap time. Ginger eats the Alex-gingerbread and lose an arm. We sing Children of the Lord. Dar and I get down and play with the kids. Ginger ties a pretty bow around my ankle. We take down the Christmas tree and clean up the fake needles. Ginger tells a story and gets heckled by Darcie. Mermaid loses her crown. I stay up way too late.

It’s almost as pretty as you are

Ooooh, the sky is so pretty. There are light up flamingos in the clearance area of target. I translate some of Ginger’s song lyrics. We go to work on a Costco pizza. I share my internal struggle with wanting to eat seafood. The stinky cheese isle takes my mind off the crab legs. Couldn’t find any cheese that was stinky enough. Dar saves the day with a secret stash of Cheerios. We barely survive the refrigerated produce room. White asparagus looks scary. Dar does a stealth breast-feeding from the Costco parking lot.


Last night was a rough one. The kids were up in waves that kept us up most of the night. We were invited to breakfast at the Lunnen’s home. Brigham is hungry. We make a quick trip to the APPLE STORE!!! I was good; I didn’t buy anything. We were actually there for Dar. Dar and I relax and enjoy the nice weather while Grandma Sue wrangles Brigham. I share my beliefs on Target (I can’t remember where I heard that). Dar is a recovering coffee addict. We’re selling out Bob Jogger. Ginger and I go for a bike ride to get the mail. Auntie is playing Quelf with her friends. We find a tennis ball at the park that Brigham loves to throw. Ginger and I have a race and we play at the park. Brigham slides down a slide all by himself.

Ginger has Sweet Tricks!!!

We put together Ginger’s new princess bike. G is super excited! She puts on her safety gear. We cover the rules of the road. Ginger shares her new skills and some sweet tricks. Dar and Tara are skylarking up a storm and Ginger steps in to regulate. G wants to keep riding. G waters the plants and we go to the park to ride bikes with some neighbor kids. Brigham throws down some mad dance moves! I rock diner with some stinky Cheese! mmmMMMmmm!!!

Santa’s Little Helper

We’re at my parents house for a Christmas celebration. I give Grandma Robin a hard time for accidentally feeding me real meat yesterday. The food looks great! We rock out in Pa’s nightclub office (he sells Deejay equipment). The kids open mountains of gifts. Ginger gets her Mermaid bike that she’s always wanted.

Pillow Pet was a 5 Star HIT!!!

Santa ate almost all the cookies, the Elf donuts were gone and so were the carrots for the Reindeer. Ginger got a Rapunzel baby. Brigham got a Pillow Pet that he LOVES!!! Christmas is a special day because baby Jesus is a miracle. Jesus was born in a manger in a stable. We go to Church. Grandma Sue and Ginger plant in their new garden. Ginger’s new radio broke. Pa is a good fixer so we’ll take it to him. Grandma Sue opens her gift. Pa fixes the mic. We join Pa and Grandma Robin for dinner. We play Quelf with Matt, Joy and Tara.

Poop-thumb Saga

I enhance a spinning top with my Dremel Tool!! Oh yeah. That top is doing about 5,000 RPMs. I prep a garden for G and Grandma Sue. Ginger freezes me with her super ice power. Tyler explains the lesson in the movie Tangled, and now he’s in trouble. I come home to a frozen Darcie and Ginger. We open gifts with Dar’s side of the family. Curtis opens and opens and opens and opens and opens his gift. Tara gets poop on her thumb. Brigham likes the box better than the toy. We do a little karaoke. Dar and G decorate cookies and tiny donuts for Santa and his elves.

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