We’re horrible parents

Guilty Pleasure?

Brigham is a sick boy. He gets watered down apple juice and LOVES IT! I’ve got church biz. The ghetto will fool you. We had a very quiet dinner because Brigham wasn’t feeling good. I’m a big girl for the Nikki Heat books from the show Castle. I have a random hiccup. I sneak read while putting Brigham to bed. What is your guilty pleasure?

Was that a golf tournament?

Out to diner at Souplantation. Something is up with the bloggie, I charged it all day but have no battery… poop-knuckle! Matt is back from ABQ and he has a cool new shirt. Brigham dances while he eats. The camera runs out of ba…..

Time to scrub it up

Ginger has dance class. Dar gets new glasses and they’re super cute. Brigham slaps himself about the face and head. I take the boy home to make sloppy joes. Darcie has a song about sloppy joes. Ginger can’t get the song right. Darcie loses it and creates a bath song. Hazel slips me a sly boogie during a kiss. I’m becoming a big girl for Nikki Heat.

Brigham speaks español

Ginger tries to convince Hazel to poop. Hazel tries to look at Ginger”s boobs. Brigham is tired. Brigham says wawa for water, so cute! I get some surprise hugs, my favorite!!! I sport my orange crocs. I try to shake the Ginger bug from my leg. We find a burrowing owl outside the community gate.

Baby Shower for Hazel

Brigham runs funny and I’m not sure where he gets it. We goof off outside the souplantation. Brigham speaks spanish. I spill the beans about (to you) about the surprise baby shower. Dar figures out something is going on when we get home and there are loads of cars that she recognizes. SURPRISE!!!!! My house is covered in pink baby stuff. Thank you to everyone that came and helped. We all guess how many m&m’s are in a jar and I win! We take a look at the onesies that the baby shower guests created. Brigham helps take apart the kitchen cupboards. Winco has jalapeños again!!! Dar can’t drive a shopping cart. Dar says I can eat fish as long as I do it at the bottom of the ocean. I profess my love for maltodextrin. Ranch Dressing gets unhealthier… and you though it couldn’t be done. Dar likes windex flavored yogurt. Darcie is the ultimate baby kisser.

Loser Slacker Flake!!!

Dar, Hazel, and Tara hang out in a changing room. Tara wants Ginger to be the first 4 year old blogger and to be on Good Morning America. Dar drinks real coca cola for the first time in 2 years and has a “cokegasm”. Tara runs over her foot with the shopping cart at Joanne’s Fabric. Dar wants to clean the stamp room? She must not be felling well. Dar runs over her foot with the shopping cart. Tara and Dar torture Hazel while leaving the store. Starbucks is visited but Dar is a recovering coffee addict so she gets a non-coffee drink. There is an accidental zoom. Hazel gets a baby shower from the staff at Darcie’s work. We RACE to get Hazel on Darcie’s insurance. The TV remote finally comes in the mail.

Auntie is a Stink-pot!!!

We go for a family walk before dinner. Dar is making baked mac and cheese that might get ruined cause out oven is a freak! Brigham blows kisses. The dogs got baths yesterday. Auntie is a stink-pot. Brigham turns into a bubblehead boy. I put Brigham to bed and started reading Treasure Island again.

Couponing with Tara

It’s hot in the desert. Dar and Tara have a Snickers moment. The try to get the mail from the mailman. Hazel has the hiccups again. Tara goes shopping with coupons. Tara massages Hazel’s tear glands. The kids and I goof around. We crack open a rancid coconut. I dig buñuelos! I furrow my brow while I concentrate. I laugh like a dragon. I do some night gardening.

Baking cookies with Mommy

Work is really cramping my “spending time with my family” style. Brigham is still learning to use a spoon. I wipe my face with my hands. Brigham tries to feed his hair and talks like a dinosaur. We discovered what will cause the zombie apocalypse. Darcie makes good on the hair cut cookie deal with Ginger. G is a great helper in the kitchen. Hazel has the most adorable hiccups. She hiccups more often than she doesn’t. Do hiccups or sneezes stop your heart? Leave a comment below.

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