Say goodbye to this fluffy mess on my head!

Say goodbye to this fluffy mess on my head!


Another friday off so I take the kids to school and clean clean clean. Ginger takes over the vlog and plays with Hazel. It’s gag-me sweet, kinda like eating a whole can of cake frosting! You’ll survive… I promise… but just barely! WE HIT 600 SUBSCRIBERS!!!! YAAAAY US and YOU!!!!! Thank you all so much for supporting us and writing nice comme……. WE JUST HIT 601 SUBSCRIBERS!!!! Brigham and I play while watching Memo (Nemo). We flip the kids all around on the pillow bed.


We take a friend out for her birthday dinner. Happy b-day Jill! Auntie, Booba(uncle), Tutu, Boppa, Tina, and Trish are all here too. Brigham and Auntie make faces at each other. While we were eating @justkiley made a comment that she wants to see more Hazel… we can do that! Here you go @justkiley, more Hazel just for you. Hazel tries to pull out Tara’s hair. Brigham breaks out the evil eye… HE’S SOOOOO CUTE! Ginger tastes the peppermint essential oil residue in the bottle from our homemade monster spray. Her tongue and lips light up and sizzle cause the peppermint oil is soooooo strong. Short Vlog, see y’all tomorrow.

Monster Spray Recipe: A few drops of Peppermint Essential Oil in a squirt bottle full of water, shake and spritz! Enjoy a Monster free home!

Go to our YouTube channel CottonPatchTV and subscribe!


Ginger tells (makes up) some jokes. The air-conditioning in the car makes my eyeballs cold. We take the boy shoe shopping. My grandma took cayenne pills for her nails but they only gave her a stomachache (random fact of the night). Brigham has little sausage feet and it’s its really hard to find shoes that fit him. We are successful and Brigham finally gets a pair of summer shoes he can wear without socks. Gigner finds some super cute red shoes… and Dar finds some matching ones… I’m in trouble. Our kids run amuck through the store… parenting 101. There is some serious Rock Paper Scissors PWNAGE on the way back home. We show Ginger’s awesome dance pictures… SOOOOOOO CUTE!


We head off to Target to get a GIJoe for the boy… and stuff for Brigham and Ginger too. Target doesn’t have a very big GIJoe selection. We run into some fellow YouTubers who make skate videos (links below). One of the guys breaks his skateboard while doing some tricks. We go to the pet store for dog food and end up looking at all the cute animals. I forgot to get Tylenol… bad me! Brigham’s new GIJoe’s hand fell off… gonna be taking him back to the store for sure.


Brigham is covered in mud and he loves it! Caterpillars are eating our garden before anything is ready to pick. Stinking Caterpillars!!! Oh well. Our plants are doing well other than that. The broccoli is going to seed… more broccoli for next year. Huge patio mess again… it’s all fun! Brigham beats me with a shovel to clean mud from my toes. Auntie comes over… you know, for the fans – @lindensbabe We faunch around together. We all climb Auntie Mountain. We teach you about the “ButtFace” and then we put our kid’s hands in the ceiling fan. Tat tat tat tat tat tat tat tat! Don’t worry, he only lost a few fingers… and it was just the tips.


Brigham’s favorite toy in the whole wide world is simply, the ball. He loves them all including balls of the basket, volley, base, squeeze, and flashy variety. I share my realization that I can once again play with G.I. Joes YAHOOOOOO! I had so much fun with them growing up! Ginger made the HUGE mistake of slightly enjoying washing dishes. Guess what she’ll be doing from now on. Ginger picks her lunch bread for tomorrow… exciting! Brigham gets a new hairdo and Gigner gets some new hair accessories. Sherry and Frank stop by with things for the kids. Brigham loves his little books. Aunt Sherry and Brigham read a book about a mommy duck who quacks. Ginger sings for us so we decide to go to Coachella so she can sing with Dr. Dre… but she dons her snorkel gear instead… you know… cause that’s the same thing. The Snorks are like underwater Smurfs… but BETTER! Go Watch! Ginger wants to give her tithing directly to the Prophet… but he’s too far away.


We bust out some sweet new sun/3d glasses and go to Costco. Everything looks so real and three dimensional!!! HAHA! We find out that Brigham is a sun-hat model. He’s been holding out on us! I clean a huge patio mess that the kids made with mud, toys, and chalk. We throw balls in the living room, don’t try this at home!!! We rock a game of candyland and Ginger wins… WHATEVER! Brigham tries to pick my nose… so I bite his fingers off!!!

Go to our YouTube channel CottonPatchTV and subscribe!


Ginger makes up another song, lyrics are so deep and moving this time. It’s tax day for me… I bet you can’ wait see me crunch some numbers! Pixel gets excited and Brigham beats on her a bit. We have a super quick dinner and bath. I try to make plans but Brigham keeps interrupting me. Ginger want’s to watch “The Wonder Bears who Care” ( the care bears) Silly girl. Darcie ditches us to go play Bunco with her friends… Thanks for nothin’ Mom! Brigham breaks off a bit of Evil Eye. I thought we were out of microwave popcorn (we weren’t) so I made my own with dried kernels. IT WORKED WAY BETTER THAN EXPECTED and it’s didn’t make a greasy buttery mess of the kids fingers and my couch cushions. Brigham spread popcorn on the floor for Pixel. The kids outlast me but refuse to put me to bed first… WHATEVER!

Play date at the park!

Play date at the park!

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