

Bike Trailer on the Move!

It’s Veteran’s day today, so I thought we should enjoy this beautiful country with a bike ride. After The Boy woke up from his afternoon nap we got ready for our outing. I made sure to grab munchies, drinks, helmets, and a blanket. Once the kids were all cozy in the bike trailer, we headed out. The plan was to ride to Lyn’s Boutique to meet up with Dar and Tara.  I had my fingers crossed that the tires on the trailer wouldn’t go boom again. I didn’t inflate them as much this time. For some reason, when I was planning the route, I thought there was only one bridge on Golf Center, so I took that instead of Jackson… I was wrong. Both Jackson and Golf Center have two bridges. I guess I pictured the Golf Center bridge going over the freeway and the train tracks with one long bridge. Yeah, I know… I’m crazy. Either way it was fun.

Bike trailer is fullG and The Boy in the Bike TrailerHere’s the route we took. It’s 5.2 miles and the only difficult spots were the bridges. Really a nice ride. It was cool out and the sun was going down throughout the duration of the ride so with only about a mile to go, G told me that she was getting cold. I gave them the blanket and she was happy again.The route to Lyn's Holiday BoutiqueBike Trailer over the Golf Center Pkwy BridgeBike Trailer at Monroe & 48Dar was very surprised to see us when we arrived at the Boutique. She couldn’t believe I just hauled 80 pounds worth of kids over five miles. I have to admit I could definitely feel it in my legs but I really felt good. It was way too dark to go back home the same way so it was really lucky that Curtis came to pick up Tara in their truck. I tossed the bike and trailer in the bed of his truck and was happy to not have to do it all over again in the dark. Thanks Curt!


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  1. Busy Monday Night! - alexcotton.com » alexcotton.com

    […] good for the entire ride. I thought we only went 4 miles but Google just calculated it as 5 miles. Okay Google, you’ve redeemed yourself from the other day. When we started The Boy had lots to say but after the first mile he got into “The […]