Our 7th anniversary is tomorrow so I take the ol’ misses out for a show.


Ice cream party for the kids who were good all month. Ginger takes advantage of the situation… and ends up getting an ice cream beard! Pita Pockets at the Park for dinner. Dar met a friend for some wedding shopping and left me with B&G. Brigham is unimpressed with dinner and just wants to go play “throw the ball”. We were inspired today to be more diligent about our kid’s dental health. Brush, brush, brush!!! Ginger tells of her daily schedule at school. We then go over the importance of not talking to strangers.


Dar takes over the vlog cause I’m out visiting a family from our Church. Ginger dresses up as little pink riding hood. Family walk with Grandma Sue and the weather is AMAZING! Ginger wants her hair to flow in the wind. There are cops living on every street in our neighborhood, sometimes more than one… we love it! Dar is still upset about her makeup getting stolen from her car. Tina and Trish get a little surprise on their driveway… hehe. I come home and we take a walk around the park. Apparently I used to be way more romantic than I am now… I should change that. Ginger can now do the fireman slide. Grandma Sue “Puts a cricket outside” (wink wink) and Ginger stays up too late.

Good mornin' bright and shiny!

Good mornin' bright and shiny!


Brigham won’t put his shirt back on, he likes letting it all hang out! Ginger dances, and in true Ginger fashion, makes up a song. Darcie is smitten with Hazel. Ginger vlogs and is rather demanding. Watch out for this little consumer! It’s a beautiful 78 degrees, sorry those of you who are still dealing with the cold. Brigham learns how to talk… kinda. BUBBLE BATH TIME!!! Brigham has the cutest bubble butt!


Dog pile on Daddy! Brigham is so sweet and he kisses his sister and then picks bugs from her hair and eats them. Ben and I had big plans for getting some of that beehive honey but when I got home, someone had already come and disposed of the bees. It’s a bummer about the honey and really sad for the bees. I called a few beekeepers earlier in the day to see if I could get the bees relocated instead of killed but nobody called back. Ginger is a grocery. The bees are clumping on a branch above where the hive was. Ginger is a super compassionate little girl who wants to give the bees some of our honey so they have something to eat. We take advantage of the beautiful night and play in the park as the sun dips bellow the mountains.

Water meter box full of honeycomb and angry bees. Just got stung on the top of my head getting this pic for you.

Water meter box full of honeycomb and angry bees. Just got stung on the top of my head getting this pic for you.


Hazel and Ginger dance and laugh and giggle. I’d suggest watching it only once… it’s entirely too sweet! Grandma Sue shows us a funny trick with clothespins and I end up hurting myself with them. Brigham gets mad that he’s stuck in a stroller so I make it fun for him and Stroller Drag Race was born. We take a walk and I discover some bees collecting in a water meter box. You can imagine where this is going. I remove the lid and find the box filled to its brim with honeycomb and about a thousand angry bees. I’m like “hey bees, that’s some nice work you did there.” And they’re like “ARGHHHHH WE’RE GONNA GET YOU!!!!” So I ran… and swatted at the air and looked like a certified crazy person. I stopped in front of a house where the owners saw me and had a good laugh. Did I stop there? Nope, I needed a picture to Instragram so I went back. You’re welcome. I ended up getting stung only once, but it was in the top of my head. I suppose I deserved it.


I was up and at’em bright and early for our Mormon Helping Hands project. #DayOfService Hazel tries to steal my keys . Brigham has an extreme case of bed head! Ginger wants more toys… HA! We’re turning into hippies… well, not quite but we are dehydrating some strawberries and bananas. DELISH! Ginger has some built up anger apparently… “COME ON GUYS!” Darcie ditched us again for a girls night out. We make a suicide slurpee with cherry, orange, and lemon/lime. ICEE GOODNESS ABOUND! Saturday night spend opening the musical greeting cards at Target… sad. We go up the side of a mountain where Darcie and I go shooting to look back at the city lights. So pretty but it’s windy. G has to pee. Dar looks soooooo pretty! Brigham is a tomato eating fool! Darcie’s shoes give her the height of a normal person. Hehe. Our dried fruit is getting yummy!

Nice paint job!!!

Nice paint job!!!

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