

Zumba: a guide to shaking your moneymaker – day 86

We were bathed in gifts today. A Topsy Turvy pepper hanger, and a HUGE Puppy Doll for Brigham. Our Broccoli is doing great and even starting to look like broccoli. We bust out our best “Karate Kid Beach Scene” knee bouncing a volley ball skills and things get crazy. Tara makes some silly faces and will be very upset with me for sharing them with you. Darcie improvises a song during dinner. And last but certainly not least, Dar and Tara get their hearts pumping while jiggling their goods to some Wii Zumba… hilarity ensues!

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1 comment

  1. mp

    i skipped a bunch of videos to check out the zumba! loving it. you all have rhythm! i liked how alex’s head moves to the beat of the music. if i didn’t live in an upstairs apartment, i’d be doing zumba too! gotta invite me some day….

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