

Pala Training

Finished up the “Strategic Planning Retreat” in Pala today. Man, I love Pala. The weather was a perfect change from the desert, it was overcast and cool all day… and the best part? I got to go come home to my family! The training was interesting, Clint Hackney was hired to take all the managers and executive staff through the process of outlining a strategic plan. We created a vision statement, mission statement, and set lots of measurable goals to improve our program. The training days were long but we did some good work and all came out better for it. Plus I got to visit Caleb and his awesome family last night (I’m still excited about that, can you tell?).

As I was leaving the resort I saw a little fruit & veggie stand across the street so I stopped by and snagged a bag of 20 avocados for $5.00. SWEET! I figured I would pick up some avocados from avocado country and I assumed that they were grown near there but now I’m wondering. They’re little guys and not ripe at all but I’m hoping for the best. The man running the stand said that I could ripen them quickly by putting them in a paper bag and setting them on the stove. Something about the warmth of the stove makes them ripen faster I guess, I should research that. Either way, there are gonna be some sweet little avocados in my future.

The ride home was a rough one, not enough sleep over the past couple days made me a drowsy driver. I had to roll the windows down and play airplane-hand to keep from dozing off. In spite of all that, I made it back just fine and had a breakfast for dinner with the wife, Mom-in-law, and kids. Brigham is waving on cue now, all you have to do is say “Dilé bye bye” which means “Tell them bye bye” or something to that effect and he’ll start waving at you. SO CUTE!

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  1. Yogurt Island & Hatch Green Chile - alexcotton.com » alexcotton.com

    […] I went to the training in Pala I told G that if she was really good for mommy, we would take her to Yogurt Island. In the days […]

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