Dancing in the rain

I love rainy days! It wasn’t actually all that rainy but it was really cloudy. The Desert is always sunny so an overcast day is a welcome change. You know who else loves the rain… Ginger! That girl loves a good puddle jump and any excuse to don her ladybug rain gear. I have a window in my office at work and I caught myself just staring at the clouds several times today. They were moving fast across the sky and it was intriguing. I’m starting to feel simple so we’re moving on. Dar stayed home sick again today. But she’s way better now than yesterday, thank goodness. She didn’t throw up at all today but is still having bouts of queasiness. I had lunch with my grandma today but stopped by the house first to check on Dar. I kicked butt at work once I got back and found all kinds of stuff I need to complete my camera package. Once I got home after work,  G attacked me with requests to help her put on her rain coat, and rain boots, and umbrella, and GO JUMP IN PUDDLES!!! How could I resist that?
After a puddle jumping session with no puddles we went to Ginger’s favorite place, Reagan and Savannah’s house. I had a man-date with Ben so Ginger scored a play date with his girls… or vice versa… chicken or the egg… no one really knows. I made a quick salad, took a frozen pizza from Costco, and loaded the kids in the car. I put the salad on the passenger seat and tucked it in between the door and my backpack. When we got to the Scoville’s house I got G out of the driver’s side and went around to the passenger side to get the boy out and when I opened the door the salad bowl fell out and covered the curb with lettuce, olives, onion, cheese, and sun flower seeds. BUMMER!

We had a good time there and G had loads of fun with the girls.

Now Dar is a sicky-poo!

Dar stayed home sick today. She finally got the bug that Ginger brought home from pre-school and it’s really doing a number on her. She was throwing up all day. I know that pictures have accompanied all the sicky-poo posts of the sicky-poo person but I’m pretty sure Dar would kill me if I tried to post a picture of her from today. Even now, her stomach is churning. She read online that this sickness can last up to 10 days… let’s all pray that doesn’t happen. If it lasts any longer, not only will she continue to be miserable but it would quickly get dangerous for the baby.

We went to the park after dinner again today, to give Dar some more time to rest. Brigham had his first ride on the swings and he loved it! He also had a good time trying to walk in the wood chips.  I’ve noticed that he likes to step up and down to different levels. I’m not sure if he’s practicing the step up/down or if he likes the change of terrain but he kept stepping in and out of the play area onto the cement and back again. Funny kid.I forgot to mention it yesterday but Dar told me about something really cute that Ginger said. They were talking about G’s Halloween candy and how she is allergic to nuts.

Mommy, if I eat a real walnut… a real one, then I’ll bark… a lot! I’ll have a real confection! I know it’s called barking because auntie taught me that word.

She’s just like her mommy, they both mix up words and song lyrics. I’ll have to sit down with G one day soon and video her singing that “Baby Baby” song by Justin Bieber so I can put it up here. Hilarious!

Kicking a ball at the park

Half day at work today. YAY! We did a service project at Church recently and since then I have stored a trailer full of orange tree clippings in my garage. Today I finally had the time to get rid of them. I had to move them to the back of my truck before taking them to the dump (dump rules – no trailers). Did you know that orange tree branches are full of really nasty, pokey, grabby, angry spikes? I didn’t. My arm now looks like it was in a fight with  gang of cholo cacti. Okay, it’s not that bad but there are about 35 pokes and scratches on just my right arm. Yeah, I just counted. Anyway, when I got to the dump I learned that they, in fact, do allow personal trailers. So that 30 minutes of what felt like holding my arm in a rabid cat cage was for nothing (over the top?). Oh well. Now I know. After dinner I took the kids to the park with the new camera. We had a good time kicking a ball around. It took him a while but Brigham started getting over his fear/hatred of touching grass.
I was kicking the ball up a hill to Ginger and it went too far so she ran to get it. She ran down the other side of the hill and right into a mud puddle. She was more than upset because she was wearing her favorite “tie shoes”.

Brigham is a sicky-poo too.

The boy actually slept all night… no joke. He woke up at about 5:30 so I gave him a little milk to test the waters. When I went back into his room at 6:30 to check on him I found that the waters were hot… rough? wet? whatever… point is, he threw up again. He was sleeping at the opposite end of the crib and sleeping soundly so I left him there, helped Dar get G ready for school, called in sick to work, and then I went back to bed. The boy let me sleep till 9:30… yeeeeah! Sleepin’ in on a weekday! He got me back for leaving him in his crib; he was standing in the spew when I went to get him. It was good that he was in footie pjs so it didn’t get on him but he spread it around a bit. I didn’t take pictures, it wouldn’t have been right. Instead, here’s a picture of him eating food that he kept down! YAY! The boy didn’t hurl for the rest of the day. I kept him full of pedialyte and he was happy as a clam.

On Tuesday nights I go to Fencing Class with Tyler at C.O.D. This weekend is some sort of big tournament so there was an extra fencer tonight. He’s from Mexico and is on the National Team or something like that. We were able to fence him, or rather, we were able to be filleted by him. He was all bouncy and loose but quick as a whip. It was really fun competing with someone who really knows what he’s doing. I picked up a few tricks and started focusing on some different techniques. Here are some pics of the regulars in a fifteen point bout (they usually only go to 5).


Today is Halloween! My most favorite holiday of the year. I like dressing up and Ginger gets so excited about going around in costume. I dressed up in my pirate costume again for work (for the kids… no, really, it was… whatever!) and I have to say, my eyeliner made quite the impression on some of the ladies in the office. I kept giving Dar a hard time about how all I have to do now is don some eye makeup and the women come flocking, she didn’t appreciate. After I got home from work G and I carved a pumpkin then we all ate dinner, dressed up and headed out. Here’s a bunch of pictures.

Then it happened… in the car on our way to Uncle Frank and Aunt Sherry’s house, Brigham’s belly decided that he should be wearing his dinner. The poor boy blew chunks all over himself and his car seat. It was rough! We were almost to F & S’s so we made a quick stop there, G was able to trick-or-treat and we stole some paper towels to get things under control long enough to get home. By the time we got home the vomit had worked its way into the recesses of the car seat and was starting to seep down into the undercarriage. Bath time for Brigham… again. We were considering crime-scene cleanup to come take care of the car seat but once we got in there it wasn’t that bad. I was still hoping it was just a fluke and that he hadn’t caught what G had Friday and gave to me on Sunday. My dreams were shattered about thirty minutes later when he painted his crib with the milk he just drank while Dar was putting him to bed. Dar and I are both expecting a very long night.



Now I’m a sicky-poo

I woke up sick today. Bummer! I spent some time last night preparing for my 2-5 minute lesson about The Book of Jacob and didn’t get to give it. I know lots more about The Book of Jacob now and I finally feel like I have a good grasp on the meaning behind the allegory of the Olive Tree in Jacob:5. Instead of Church, I stayed at home on the couch and let the boy ransack the living-room. There were toys everywhere! That boy really knows how to have a good time. He would bring me toys and then not hand them to me and just laugh like it was the greatest thing. He would get all affectionate from time to time and come rest his head on me. I left the TV tuned to the BYU channel and was impressed with the quality programming, being it was Sunday and all. I guess I expected filler shows but the programs were really inspirational and spiritually uplifting. Brigham finally started winding down around 12:45 so I fed him some lunch and put him in his crib with a big bottle of warm milk. Lights out! He was in dream land for the next three hours.

Ginger Called Grandpa Cotton today to wish him a Happy Birthday and he liked that, she actually sang him the song. It was a pretty laid back day with not much happening, there was some excitement during dinner prep though. Brigham got into the powdered sugar in the pantry and made a decent sized mess.

Heart Boiled Eggs

We were planning to go to a pumpkin patch today to take pictures of the kids, but it didn’t happen. Instead, Grandma Sue came over and hung out with the youngins and they had a great time. Dar and Tara went grocery shopping in the afternoon so I decided to do this thing hard-boiled eggs that I saw on a website recently(I think it was Pintrist.com). So here;s what you do. Boil some eggs so that they are just done and then peel them right away. Be careful to not let them cool too much. get a piece of stiff cardboard and fold it into a “V” shape and cover it in Saran. Place a chop-stick on top and rubber-band it or tie it with something so that it’s pretty tight. Once everything it all tied up put it in the fridge. The egg will hold the shape you’re forming it to once it gets cold. Earlier in the day I asked Ginger if she wanted a hard-boiled egg and she scoffed and said no. Once she saw the heart boiled egg she wanted it and kept telling me how yummy it was. I made four of them and she chomped through the first one already so that leaves me three for her lunch this week. Later on I decided to take Ginger and the Boy out for a bike ride. I have one of those child trailers for my mountain bike and it has a seat belt configuration that allow for one or two kids. Problem was, Brigham didn’t have a helmet. Off to Target! We tried asking around to see if any of our friends with kids had  a boys helmet that was too small but we had no luck. We picked up the helmet and split. On the way home we spotted Dar’s car in the Winco parking-lot so we stopped and Ginger wrote her a note.Then we headed home only to realize that I left the helmet in the shopping cart. ARGH! luckily it was still there when we went back to get it. The woman in the car I parked next to thought it was pretty funny. Once we got home… again… I busted out the trainer, pumped up the tires, adjusted Brigham’s helmet and off we went.We rode down to Winco and saw through the store’s front window that Dar and Tara were checking out so we rode around the parking lot for a bit and caught them as they were coming out. They were surprised and immediately started ogling over how cute the kids were all squeezed into the trailer with their helmets on. We were only stopped for about a minute when we were all startled by a really loud bang, and Ginger’s side of the trailer slouching down. Yep, the tire popped! It’s lucky that I was able to load the kids and trailer into Dar’s car, otherwise I’m not sure what I would have done. I’ll have to replace the tube and I’ll be careful to not over inflate it next time.

Ginger is a sicky-poo.

Poor little G was sick all day. I mean, ALL DAY! All the girl did today was hold down the couch and fill up the puke bowl. I took her to the store with me to get some Pedialyte, Saltines, and ice cream and she was excited to pick out the Pedialyte flavor she wanted. She convinced me to get the ice cream for when she feels better, I’m a sucker for a sick child with  really cute pouty lip.

I put together a pirate costume today, for a Halloween Carnival at work, mostly from stuff I already had. I picked up the hat, bird, and ear-ring at Party City earlier today. Dar did my eyeliner and smudgy face. I got a lot of compliments on the costume and the kids really loved the parrot. It was really fun creating the costume and I think I make a pretty good pirate. “Argh, you scurvy dog!”

Finally, Las Flores!

Tara took me out for lunch today at Las Flores. We’ve tried to match up our schedules since last friday, and today is the first day it worked out. I’m still new to this blogging schtick so I didn’t take a picture of the food… oops. Next time, I promise. But believe me when I say that it was delish! I had a 3 item combo with a bean burrito, an enchilada, and a chili relleño. I ate way too many chips but I don’t feel guilty because I had to keep eating them or the salsa that I was putting on them would have melted my tongue. It’s that kind of salsa that waits to ignite the flame until you stop eating it. I also don’t feel bad about overloading at lunch because I didn’t have any breakfast… just forgot I guess and we did lunch at 11:00 so it wasn’t that bad. Las Flores makes their own tortilla chips from scratch and their chili relleño sauce is amazing! I’m sure they actually make most of their food from scratch. Can you tell that I love this place? Good times and good food. Thank you Tara.

After dinner I took the kids to Party City to look for some pirate accessories to complete my pirate costume. I’m helping to run a pirate themed booth tomorrow night for the Torres Martinez Tribal TANF Halloween Carnival. I’ve still got some major work to do on the costume and I’m under a very tight budget. Party City was way too crowded to be able to shop around and be creative so I’ll have to go back tomorrow. I did let Ginger try on some hats though.

Belated B-day Celebration

Ginger recently solved the worlds aches and pains. It’s our funny bones. Yep, funny bones. In the past week or so her funny bone has made her sick, given her bad dreams, given her a tummy ache and made her tired. Do they even make funny bone medicine? I think she’s really on to something here and we’re gonna be rich as soon as we figure how to cure funny-boneitis. Medicine is clearly a better alternative for a cure than a funny-bonectomy.

Dar made tacos for dinner. There was rice, beans, taco shells, veggie crumbles (fake meat),and fixins. They really hit the spot, and the best part is that I didn’t have to cook or do the dishes. Thanks babe! We all love tacos, especially Ginger, but tonight Brigham may have proven his love for tacos more than the rest of us combined.
Dar got me some new shoes and an assortment of new ties as a b-day gift. I’ve needed some new neck-ware for more than a long time now so they will be put to use right away and they look so cool too.The best part of the night though was the HOME-MADE CARROT CAKE that Dar made for me from scratch. It was knock-out-good and the glaze topping is just perfect for that cake. Thanks for making my 31st special Babe!

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